Oregano Essential Oil

Oregano oil has a powerful, spicy, camphor-like aroma, is pale yellow in color and medium to watery in viscosity.

Oregano is a hardy, bushy perennial herb that grows up to 90cm (35 in) high, with an erect hairy stem, dark green oval leaves and a profusion of pink flowers clustered in heads at the top of the branches.

It is an antiviral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, digestive, emmenagogue, and an anti-allergenic.

It is commonly used to inhibit viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections. Oregano essential oil also heals the damage done by oxidation, soothes inflammations, promotes digestion, opens up obstructed menstruation, and helps cure allergies.